Fleet Management

Why Choose Fleet Management Tracking

Fleet tracking is a management system that uses GPS tracking to monitor the activity of fleet vehicles and assets (e.g., workers, equipment). It is often referred to as vehicle tracking or AVL.

Fleet management is the process of managing a company’s vehicles to ensure they are efficient, safe, and cost-effective.

You can build efficiency into your fleet by leveraging the tracking system to improve dispatching, idle reduction, reduce unnecessary fuel consumption, and ensure drivers aren’t taking the scenic route. This means savings across your business: fuel, maintenance, repairs, administration, and more

The purpose of fleet management is to supervise fleet operations for optimal business performance, ensuring that they contribute to profitability and other company goals. The benefits of a robust fleet management system include: Increased safety and reliability.

Why Choose
Trailer fleet Tracking

Know where your trailers are at all times, to help improve scheduling and routing, Trailer tracking allows maintenance personnel to easily find & service your resources, Reduces trailer wear and maintenance costs, GPS positioning on the actual trailers, Alerts if the trailer power is disconnected

Why Choose Fridge Temperature Fleet Tracking

Monitoring your fleet in real time, controlling Fridge temperatures and and making sure the temperature doesn’t fall or rise to damage your goods, having tachograph information, and knowing the status of your vehicles will allow you to improve service and reduce costs.

Why Choose
Door Open & Closing and Locking Fleet Tracking

Access control you can secure access to your vehicle’s cargo.

A door sensor is attached to each door of your semitrailer or van. Every time a door is opened or closed, you will  immediately get updates the cargo door status for that vehicle.Additionally, you can configure to get  notification whenever the door is opened outside of permitted places. For instance, you can establish that the door can only be opened at your warehouse and at the customers’ delivery points. Any action that opens a door outside of those locations will trigger an alarm and send you instant notification.

Why Choose
Fuel Fleet Tracking

Fuel tank monitoring allows fleet manager or machinery supervisor to:

measure precise volumes of fuel tank refill;

Detect fuel siphoning from fuel tank;

Prevent fuel theft from tank (e.g. underfilling or siphoning);

Reveal fuel mixing with extraneous liquids (e.g. waste oil);

Compare fuel quality of different suppliers/gas stations;

Indirectly define fuel consumption;

Schedule supply tank refill of stationary engine.

Affordable and Dependable Tracking Systems